You are a student at ULiège

For ULiège students, it is possible to re-register as soon as the results of the deliberation are published and until September 30. Beyond that date and until October 31, late registration remains possible depending on the specific terms of each Faculty.


You register for the first time at ULiège

Belgian student

If you hold a Belgian diploma which allows you to access the desired education programm, you can complete the online form. Before completing the form, please consult the notes and the instructions.

EU student

If you hold a Belgian diploma which is not listed in the access conditions or if you hold a European Union diploma (outside Belgium), your registration request will be examined by the Admission Committee. You will be informed of its decision by e-mail and, in the event of a positive response, you can continue the online registration procedure.

Outside EU student

If you hold a diploma from a foreign country (outside the European Union) and meet the admission criteria, you can complete the admission form online, print it and send it by post before April 30, together with copies of the documents required for registration. In event of a positive response to your admission request (letter of authorization), you have to complete the registration by going personally to the Registration Office (building A1, place du 20-Août 7, B-4000 Liège) between July 1 and September 30. A shuttle bus from Arlon is organised at the beginning of the academic year to allow you to go there.


documents to provide



1) Any changes in registration or course choices (subject to approval by the jury) must be reported before October 31 and any cancellation of registration must be reported before November 30. Please inform the Academic service in order to organise the practical arrangements.

2) The university is allowed to cancel a registration if it appears after verification that the documents provided are not authentic documents.

You are an exchange student (Erasmus)

Read the information about registration with the Erasmus Office.

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